GIMP 2.8 review

GIMP 2.8 is a popular and powerful open source image editor. Many have waited for the release of GIMP, but the question remains if it’s worth the wait. This article will take you through the improvements that have been made from version 2.6 to 2.8. This release isn’t going to feel strange to those who are already familiar GIMP.

The following are the upgrades that have taken place in the developments of GIMP.

Single Window Mode

Multiple File Tabs

Layer Groups

On-Canvas Text Editing

Cage Transform Tool

Is GIMP 2.8 version worth the wait? If comparisons are drawn between the previous versions, GIMP has qualified. The Single Window Mode and Layer Groups give this version of GIMP a user-friendly interface. Unfortunately, the application lacks non-destructive editing options.

Gimp Fan


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